Our primary purpose is to receive and administer funds and charitable contributions for the education, prevention, treatment, and research of various invisible illnesses. We work to bring visibility to invisible illnesses.
Click to donate below or learn more about our partnership with University of Toledo Medical Center (UTMC).
Click to donate below or learn more about our partnership with University of Toledo Medical Center (UTMC).
We welcome donations through financial contributions and volunteering. You can donate on our website, or contact us at contact@zebranation.org to learn more about how you can become involved. We thank you for helping us make a difference.
What are Invisible Illnesses?
An invisible illness includes a physical, mental, or neurological condition that is not visible from the outside. These cause limitations or challenges in one’s movements, senses and activities. People with rare, chronic diseases often spend years searching for a diagnosis. These diseases fall under the inclusive term “Invisible Illnesses,” and people living with them are repeatedly dismissed, turned away, or not believed because they look “normal.” Thousands of illnesses and disorders can be debilitating and potentially included under this umbrella.
In Memoriam
Losing a loved one to an invisible illness can be incredibly difficult. Over the years, we have experienced people who are a part of our “zebra” community pass away. We would like to acknowledge these individuals and their families, and dedicate this site and our work to them.
In Memory of:
Jeff DeLine Ralph Stephens Lynn Romo Marguerite Jaskolski Lauren Shuler Becca Centilli Mary Willard