Patient Resources


  1. The Invisible Disabilities Advocate: A site working to help people understand invisible, and often chronic, illnesses.
  2. National Health Council: An organization committed to improving the health of all people, including those with chronic illnesses and/or disabilities.
  3. Center for Disability Rights: The Center for Disability Rights, Inc. (CDR) is a not-for-profit, community-based advocacy and service organization for people with all types of disabilities.
  4. The Civil Rights of Students with Hidden Disabilities Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973: Information about how students with hidden disabilities are protected against discrimination by Federal law.
  5. Patient Advocate Foundation: A national 501 (c)(3) non-profit charity that provides direct services to patients with chronic, life threatening and debilitating diseases to help access care and treatment recommended by their doctor.
  6. Found on Dysautonomia International Know Your Rights PDF: This legal guide was developed by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, but most of the material is just as relevant to people living with various invisible illnesses as it is to people living with Multiple Sclerosis. The guide covers Social Security Disability, employment accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, family law matters and more.


  1. Family Caregiver Alliance/National Center on Caregiving: This organization’s mission is to improve the quality of life for family caregivers and the people who receive their care.
  2. Family Voices: Family Voices is a national family-led organization of families and friends of children and youth with special health care needs and disabilities.  They work to improve health care services and policies for children.
  3. National Family Caregivers Association (NFCA): This organization is the nation’s leading family caregiver organization working to improve the quality of life for millions of Americans who care for loved ones with chronic conditions, disabilities, disease, or the frailties of old age.


  1. International Mental Health Hotlines:
  2. International Suicide Hotline List:
  3. NotOK app:
  4. Online Counseling Apps:
  5. Psychology Topics from APA:
  6. Mental Health Condition List:

Disclaimer: Life as a Zebra Foundation is a health advocacy 501(c)(3) organization. Life as a Zebra Foundation does not provide medical and mental health advice or treatment. Information provided by Life as a Zebra Foundation is not a replacement for care from a doctor, therapist, or other health care provider. If you believe you may have a medical or mental health emergency, call your emergency number immediately. It is important to also note that Life as a Zebra Foundation does not have any ownership or direct financial interest in any of the specific organizations or groups listed above. There are no formal listing criteria, and Life as a Zebra Foundation does not endorse, recommend, or certify any of these individuals. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list, and if you have resources that you would like to see on this list,  please contact us at